Current Issue : July-September Volume : 2018 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 2 Articles
College related factors affect both the physical and psychological potentials of an individual due to inadequate stimulation. The college related factors includes college environment, classroom, location, instructional facilities in college, climate and technology and teacher-student relationship etc. The aim of the study was to determine the college related factors affecting the performance of undergraduate nursing students studying in selected nursing colleges Maharashtra. A descriptive research design was used to assess college related factors of undergraduate nursing students. 50 undergraduate nursing students were selected from selected nursing colleges Maharashtra. The findings shows that the majority of nursing students 32 (64 %) were male and 18 (36%) were female, 37 (74 %) belonged to age group of 19-20 years, 17 (54%) were from middle social economical class, 22(44%) had one sibling. majority students 29 (58%) obtained percentages in 12th standard was 40 – 60% and 16 (32 %) percentage in first year BSc nursing was less than 50%. There was significant association between college related factors with gender (0.046) and percentage in 12th (0.046) was observed. No significant association between college related factors with age (0.146), medium for instruction in 12th standard (0.889), socioeconomic class of family (0.316), number of siblings (0.991), percentage of BSc nursing first year (0.054) were found....